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Friday, January 24, 2014

Make a Login System for Your Website: PHP and MySQL

Use These Tips to Create a Website Login

Login system in website
This is a simple website login system that has been very reliable and secure for me. I use it myself on my websites, when a simple system is needed. If you know a little MySQL and PHP, it is very easy to use. Here's how to create a website login system using PHP and MySQL.
    First, you will need to have MySQL installed on your computer. I have XAMMP installed and I use PHPmyADMIN for accessing my databases. They are free for download; just search for them online. You also need tocreate a database in your MySQL. And as you proceed, remember that linux server file names are always case sensitive. LOGIN.PHP is not equal to login.php like it would be on WINDOWS servers.
      1. Run this SQL command in your MySQL database (you must have one):
        CREATE TABLE `users` (
        `id` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
        `login` varchar(8) default NULL,
        `password` varchar(8) default NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
        This will create the table that will record the usernames and passwords.
      2. Then, create the LOGIN.PHP file. This page will contain the form that will submit the user´s data.
        if($_GET['login'] == "failed") {print $_GET['cause'];
        ?><form name="login_form" method="post" action="log.php?action=login">
        Login: <input type="text" name="user"><BR>
        Password: <input type="password" name="pwd"><BR>
        <input type="submit">
      3. Now, create the LOG.PHP. This is the file that performs the action of the form.
        if($_GET['action'] == "login") {$conn mysql_connect("localhost","user","password"); // your MySQL connection data$db mysql_select_db("DATABASENAME"); //put your database name in here
        $_POST['user'];$q_user mysql_query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE login='$name'");
        if(mysql_num_rows($q_user) == 1) {
        mysql_query("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE login='$name'");$data mysql_fetch_array($query);if($_POST['pwd'] == $data['password']) { session_register("name");header("Location: yourpage.php"); // success page. put the URL you want exit;} else {header("Location: login.php?login=failed&cause=".urlencode('Wrong Password'));exit;}} else {header("Location: login.php?login=failed&cause=".urlencode('Invalid User'));exit;}
        // if the session is not registeredif(session_is_registered("name") == false) {header("Location: login.php");
      4. If you paid enough attention, you noticed that the login will lead the user toYOURPAGE.PHP. Add these lines of code to any webpage that you want to secure (including yourpage.php):
        Printing the user name in the screen is very easy. Just add this code:
        <? print $_SESSION["name"]; ?>
      That´s it. You can now use PHP and MySQL to create a simple website login. It works out fine, but if you have any trouble with it, please contact me!!!
      Marcos Riso
      WebDeveloper -


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