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Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Draw the Olympic Rings

The Olympic Rings are an enduring symbol, originally designed by Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games. The Olympic Rings consist of five interlocking rings in blue, yellow, black, green and red, set against a white background. The colors are representative of the five different parts of the world and the rings interlacing format represent the world's athletes coming together. Here's how to draw your own set of Olympic Rings.


  1. 1
    Decide whether to draw the circles freehand or using a guide. If you prefer a neater outcome, use something to trace or guide the circles so that they look as uniform as possible, like a bottle cap, upturned glass or a drawing compass.
  2. 2
    Begin by drawing two circles, one contained within the other. This will be the first ring. The extra circle is necessary (unless you're making an extremely thin symbol) because it adds depth and thickness to the ring, and once you color it in, it will look much better than if you simply outlined a circle.

  3. 3
    Draw two more rings, right next to the first circles you drew. They should be as close to identical as possible. If freehand drawing, it's likely that there will be some difference––just draw as neatly as you can.

  4. 4
    Add a second row, consisting of two more rings in the center of the drawing. That means that each second row ring is overlapping two rings of the first row. Make certain that each ring is evenly spaced, looking essentially like the illustration to the right.

  5. 5
    Color in the rings. The right section of the blue ring is over the yellow ring, while its lower section goes under the yellow ring. These form the first two circles on the left of the full symbol, so you probably want to color them in first.

  6. 6
    Continue coloring the rings in from left to right, using black, green, and red after blue and yellow. Follow the accompanying image very closely––it's important for certain parts to overlap in certain ways, or else the Olympic Rings won't look the way they should. Once you've finished coloring and checked for mistakes, your Olympic Rings are finished and ready to be displayed!


  • Draw lightly in pencil so that you can easily rub out mistakes.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Pencil and eraser
  • Quality drawing paper
  • Coloring markers or pencils
Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Do Your First Pull Up

Do Your First Pull Up
Pull ups work all of the “pull” muscles in your body: your back, biceps, forearms. They are indicative of your level of fitness – anybody that can do a pull up is in pretty good shape; anybody that can do 10 or more is clearly in great shape.
However, pull ups are also hard as hell, especially if you’re just getting started. Unlike other exercises that can be completed with just your body weight (like squats, lunges, and push ups), pull ups and other exercises that strengthen your pull muscles require at least one piece of equipment! On top of all of that, if you can’t do one yet, how the heck are you supposed to work on them to get better?
Whether you’re 300 pounds overweight and can’t even look at a pull up bar without freaking out, or you’re half an inch away from finally being able to do your first pull up, this article is for you. The progression below is just a suggested path, but does NOT need to be followed to a T. Sample sets and reps are provided, along with guidelines on when to move up, but if you feel like you can progress sooner or want to try doing full pull ups sooner than recommended, that’s OKAY. This is the slower progression method, where some people will want to do less reps and progress to the next levels sooner – that’s okay.


  1. 1
    Start with bent over dumbbell rows, the most basic of back exercises, in case you’re starting from ABSOLUTELY square one. For these exercises, focus on lifting more and more as you get stronger. Every OTHER day, pick up a dumbbell that you can lift for three sets of 8 repetitions with a 2 minute break between sets. As soon as you can do 3 sets of 8 reps, it’s time to move up to a heavier dumbbell.
    • As soon as you can do dumbbell rows with at least a 25-pound (10kg) dumbbell or heavier, consider moving up to the next level.
    • If you are a little bit bigger than the average bear, you might want to stick with this step until you lose a little bit more weight and get stronger – maybe go to 35 or 40-pound (18kg) dumbbells.
  2. 2
    Move on to body weight rows. Body weight rows are the PERFECT precursor to pull ups – they work the same muscles, just at a different angle. You can also make adjustments. Use a smith machine: Because you can adjust the height of the bar, you can adjust how difficult the exercise is. If you’re just getting started, put the bar very high, so you only have to lean back slightly. If you’re stronger, you can start with a lower bar.
    • Clench your butt and keep your abs tight and body straight throughout the exercise. Focus your mind on PULLING with your arms.
    • Set the bar at a height where it’s challenging for you to complete 3 sets of 8 reps with two minutes of rest between sets.
    • As soon as you can complete all 3 sets of 8 reps, lower the bar!
    • If you need to make the exercise easier, bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground. You can drop your hips too to make things easier.
    • A sample routine that starts with your back exercises:
      • Monday - 3 sets of 8 reps of overhand body weight rows
      • Wednesday – 3 sets of 8 reps of underhand body weight rows (hands reversed)
      • Friday - 3 sets of 8 reps of overhand body weight rows
      • ...and then go underhand, overhand, underhand the following week.
    • As soon as you’re doing body weight rows where your body is at a 45 degree angle or lower, you can progress to the next step.
    • If you don't have access to a bar for inverted rows, try using your kitchen table, or move to the next step and progress with caution there.
  3. 3
    Do assisted pull ups. You can use the assisted pull up machine in a gym. It doesn’t give you the full feeling of a pull up, but it’s certainly better than nothing. Or, try doing one of these alternatives:
    • Assisted Pull Ups with chair – (either one foot or two depending on your needs) – your feet are ONLY there for support, use your upper body as much as possible.
    • Assisted Pull Ups with exercise band – (you can get different types of exercise bands with different levels of strength). Put your foot in the exercise band and pull yourself up.
    • Assisted pull ups with a partner - (have a friend hold your feet behind you and help you complete each rep). Have your friend use the least amount of help possible to get you through your workouts.
    Some advice:
    • Clench your butt and keep your abs tight throughout the exercise – try not to swing like crazy.
    • Keep your shoulder blades pinched behind you throughout the movement and focus on PULLING the bar down with your arms.
    • Use the least amount of assistance that you can handle – as soon as you can do multiple pull ups with both feet on the chair, switch to just one foot.
    • If you’re using an exercise band, try to get a few bands of varying tension so you can decrease the resistance as you get stronger.
    • As soon as you can do 3 sets of 8 with assistance, it’s time time move on up.
    A sample level 3 routine:
    • Monday – Assisted Pull Ups – 3 sets of 8 reps
    • Wednesday – Body weight rows – 3 sets of 8 reps
    • Friday – Assisted Chin Ups – 3 sets of 8 reps
  4. 4
    Do negative pull ups. Now, let’s say you don’t have a rubber band, you don’t have somebody to hold your feet, and you don’t have a chair – you ONLY have a pull up bar. That’s okay – you can do what we call negatives. When doing a negative, you jump above the bar and try to lower yourself slowly and in control until you’re at the bottom of the movement. This can be very dangerous if you’re very overweight, so move slowly through the previous steps first. However, once you have a decent amount of back strength, doing negatives is a great way to build arm and back strength. 
    You can either jump above the pull up bar, and then begin to lower yourself back down IN CONTROL, or you can hop up on a chair to get above the bar and then lower yourself back down. Again, the name of the game is “in control.” You don’t need to lower yourself so slowly that one repetition destroys you...lower yourself in a controlled speed – Counting to three during the movement is a good tempo.
    Here’s a sample workout using everything up to this point:
    • Monday – Assisted Chin Ups – 3 sets of 8 repetitions
    • Wednesday – Body Weight Rows – 3 sets of 8 repetitions
    • Friday - Negative Pull Ups – 3 sets to failure – capped at 5 repetitions for each set.
    For your negative pull ups, do as many as you can (up to 5 reps) per set – jump and lower yourself in control, then jump right back up and lower yourself. If you can do 5, wait 2 minutes and then start again. If you can’t do 5, do as many as you can in control, wait 2 minutes and then start again. Once you’re doing 3 sets of 5 repetitions on your negative pull ups, along with your assisted chin ups and body weight rows, you’re ready.
  5. 5
    Do your first pull up. Depending on your weight, your level of fitness and strength, and how far along you are in these progressions, you might be able to start with more than one pull up. For MANY people, especially if you have spent time in the gym in the past working on your biceps (like most guys do), you might find it easier to start with chin ups (with your palms facing toward you) for your first exercise before trying pull ups (with your palms facing away from you). Focus on these things:
    • Pull your shoulder blades back as you’re going through the movement, and focus on pulling the bar down.
    • Again, keep your butt clenched and your abs tight throughout the movement.
    • Get your chin above the bar, or it doesn’t count as a full rep.
    • Do whatever you need to get through the full rep.
    • If you can only do one rep, try to do at least 3 sets of one rep…after your three sets, add in some negatives to exhaust the muscle.
    At this point, here’s a Level 4 routine set up for a week:
    • Monday – Chin ups – 3 sets for maximums repetitions
    • Wednesday – Inverted Rows – 3 sets for max repetitions
    • Friday - Pull ups – 3 sets for maximum repetitions
  6. 6
    Once you’re able to do 3 sets of 10 pull ups or chin ups, you have a few options:
    • Continue to get better at doing more reps – 3 sets of 12, 3 sets of 15, 3 sets of 20, etc.
    • Start doing other types of pull ups - like wide grip pull ups (grab the bar WAY out with both hands), side to side pull ups, uneven pull ups, etc.
    • Add weight and do weighted pull ups or weighted chin ups; if you’re at this level and interested in doing so, here’s what you need to do:
      • Get a weight belt. The whole “put weights in a backpack” certainly works, but the angle of the weights hanging off your back is weird. With a weight belt, the weight hangs down between your legs (not a euphemism) so it feels more natural.
      • Add small amounts at a time. Most gyms will have 2.5 lb (roughly 1kg) weights; you might feel stupid putting on a big weight belt and only hanging a tiny weight off it, but you need to start somewhere.
      • Consistently add more weight. Warm up with two sets of 5 pull ups with no extra weight, and then do 3 sets of 5 weighted pull ups. If you can complete all 3 sets of 5 reps (with you chin over the bar for every rep), make a note to add 2.5 or 5lbs (1 or 2kg) to your weight belt for the next time.
    So, here’s an advanced sample routine for back exercises:
    • Monday – Weighted Chin Ups – 3 sets of 5 reps
    • Wednesday - Elevated Feet Body Weight Rows – 3 sets of max repetitions
    • Friday - Wide Grip Pull Ups – 3 sets of maximum repetition
    • The following week, alternate by doing the chin ups without weight, and then doing weighted pull ups.


  • This should hopefully be obvious, but the more you weigh, the more you have to lift in order to complete a pull up. If you’re truly serious about completing a pull up, start by getting your diet under control. As you start to weigh less, you’ll have less weight to pick up and move up over that bar! Got it? good.
  • Make your back exercises a priority. A lot of people do every other exercise before doing any back-related exercises, if they do any at all. After warming up properly, your first exercise should always be the stuff that you want to work on the most – in this case it’ll be your back.
  • Move up to the next level when you can do 3 sets of 8 reps of a particular exercise. If you want the accelerated path, move on up as soon as you can do 3 sets of 5 reps.

How to Know if a Guy Likes You

Know if a Guy Likes You
Have a crush on a guy but not sure if the feeling is mutual? Or maybe you're curious as to whether that guy checking you out is doing so out of interest in you or he's just staring at the poster behind your head? Whatever the reason for your need to know, there are a few fairly certain ways of working out that a guy's definitely interested in you––or not!


  1. 1
    Examine his body language. Body language can be the "big tell" when it comes to discerning if that guy fancies you enough to date you. Interestingly, body language experts believe that while females have around 52 body language tells to show a guy that they're interested, guys show around only 10.[1] If you subscribe to this theory, this should make your guessing a little easier! All the same, you still need to know what to look for, as well as being sure that you're not mistaking innocent gestures for calls of love––the latter mistake could prove embarrassing. Some of the signs of body language to watch for include:
    • He looks at you a lot. His eyebrow may even lift as he watches you ("the eyebrow flash" that lasts a fifth of a second). He might not even be really conscious he is watching you as much as he is.
    • He leans towards you a lot. Personal space invasion is a sign of major interest.
    • Check the direction of his hands, feet, legs, toes, etc. If they're pointed toward you, it's a subconscious indicator of his interest in you.
    • He starts grooming himself. He pulls at his tie to straighten it or he readjusts the fit of his sweater. Perhaps he runs his hands through his hair in attempt to tidy it or he reaches down to tie his shoelaces. Doing this repeatedly is similar to the actions of a male bird preening up his feathers for a display!
    • Check out how he's sitting. If you see rather manly gestures, such as sitting with open legs or placing his hands on his hips, he's trying to impress.
    • If he likes you, you may see that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans towards you, and also looks at you a lot. If he slouches his shoulders when near you, he's romantic and cares about what you have to say. If he points his shoulders and pelvis towards you while sitting, he is definitely feeling something for you.

  2. 2
    Notice his eye contact. As already noted, a guy who is interested in you will look at you a lot, even if covertly. He may try to catch your eye or, if he's shy, he may suddenly turn his head away if you catch him checking you out. To test his interest, scan his face for four seconds, then look away (don't look any longer or it becomes awkward). Then look back––if he maintains or increases eye contact with you, he's interested. If his eyes wander to your mouth, he's definitely interested. If you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly, then there is something there. On the other hand, if he breaks eye contact with you and starts looking around the room, he's not interested in you.

    • A gaze that has him looking left, then sweeping over your face, then looking right is a sign he's very attracted to you.[2]
    • Be careful not to confuse a shy guy's darting retreat from eye contact with a guy who is clearly disinterested. A shy guy who is interested will continue to steal glances at you. Be patient!
    • If you don't like the guy, it can be uncomfortable to maintain eye contact; break it off quickly and scan the room yourself, as if looking for someone else.
    • When he's around you and he says or does something funny and everyone around laughs, his eyes will flicker towards you for a second to see if you laughed too––this means he's keen to make a good impression on you.
    • His pupils may dilate if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes. If you're around him for a long time, it could be easier to pick up on gradually.
  3. 3
    Listen to what he's saying. If he likes you, and he's nervous or anticipating the chance to get closer to you, he'll probably start talking about himself. Many times, guys feel the need to prove themselves, especially if you talk about another guy in his company.

    • Gauge his interest in what you have to say. It really doesn't matter what you say, it'show you say it that can tell you a lot about his level of interest. So, try this: Lean in and whisper, with your shoulder barely touching his and say something softly. To heighten the impact, steady yourself gently by brushing your arm across his back. If he moves his head closer toward you and either touches you back or maintains eye contact, he's interested in you. If he isn't interested, he'll probably step back or be very unresponsive. A really disinterested guy might even try to shoo you out of his personal space!
  4. 4
    Notice his interest in touching and being touched. Touch is an important sign of interest in a developing relationship and you can assess interest both by observing how he touches you and how he reacts to you touching him. If he's keen on you, he might put his hand on yours when he laughs, he might gently brush his leg against yours but won't move it away again, or he may hug you for small things, such as greeting you, expressing emotions when telling a story or just because you "look like you need a hug." On the other hand, consider touching him to see what happens––a gentle brush of your hand against his neck, a hold of his forearm with your hand, or running your fingers across his hand after joking with him about something. He's interested in you if he responds to it and doesn't flinch away or if he moves his hand to stay on yours or on your arm or leg. On the hand, if he tenses up or moves away his hand, he's not interested.

    • Obviously, playboy guys (bad boys) might be very keen to spread their touching gestures around; be sure that he has more substance than this by observing how he interacts with other women in your group.
    • See if he uses any of the tricks in How to touch a girl, and see if he uses them more with you than with anyone else.
  5. 5
    Watch his actions to see if he treats you differently from the rest of your group. If he's really interested in you, he may start to behave protectively toward you, or in a "gentlemanly" fashion (at least to the extent that he interprets his behavior as such). Look for signs like shifting his chair closer to yours, putting his arm around the back of your chair, leaving his jacket on the back of your chair or even going so far as to place the jacket around you to ward off your complaints of being cold.
    • Be aware that some guys flirt with other girls to get your attention. It gives him a chance to see your reaction, and helps him know if you really do like him or not. (Yes, it's an odd sort of logic, especially since you might end up so offended or confused that you just give up on him!) However, you can usually spot a "get-your-attention" flirt if, in the middle of his flirting scenario, he keeps taking the chance to look at you, seeking out your response. You can also try a quick trip to the bathroom and find yourself a sneaky observation point to check out how the flirting's proceeding. If he stops the moment you've left, it's you he's serious about, not her. Alternatively, ask a friend to do some observing for you while you're away.

  6. 6
    Watch for him showing a sudden, previously unexpressed interest in things that you like and do. For example, if you like a certain genre of music that he doesn't know as well, he may ask you to suggest bands or artists for him to listen to. Or, he may have gone to the trouble of finding out that a favorite band of yours is playing next weekend and mention to this, with or without a request to go and listen together. And, if you introduce him to a TV show that he didn't really know about and that becomes his new favorite thing, that can potentially be a sign that he likes you, especially if he goes out of his way to catch up with you to discuss the show's unfolding plot.

  7. 7
    Check for signs of nervousness. Signs of nervous laughter, sweaty palms, deep breaths, fidgeting, or possibly even looking away quickly when you notice he is watching you, can all be signs of an attraction towards you. If he is nervous about making an impression on you, it means he's trying hard and you are probably very close to being able to start making moves.

  8. 8
    Pay attention to his friends. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him. Study their reactions to your presence––do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do they smirk in a way that suggests they know something that you don't?

    • Be careful if a friend of his makes suggestions that a guy likes you but all of the other indications tell you otherwise. Sometimes friends have reasons of their own for ensuring that any chances of you getting together are ruined, including catapulting you into making a fool of yourself.
  9. 9
    Look to see if he imitates you. Mirroring each other's actions is a sign of mutual like and generally, it's subconscious. If you notice that he has been copying your gestures frequently, there is a high probability that he fancies you. You can test this by mirroring his actions too, for example, touch your hair when he touches his, brush your face when he brushes his, sit the way he is sitting, etc. The subconscious signals will be screaming "I like you too!"
    • Following you can be another sign; for example, if you buy lunch and sit at a table and he edges as near to, or even on the same, table as you, he is probably trying to get closer to you. Just be sure you're not confusing this action with there being a lack of space to sit anywhere else!

  10. 10
    Pay attention to gentle, friendly teasing. If a guy teases you in a friendly and fun manner, it could indicate his interest, especially if he's young. Provided this isn't his modus operandi with every girl he flirts with, it's a sign that he's singled you out for attention and is trying to use his wit to charm you, in that awkward way of using humor to cover up true intentions. Of course, if he says something unkind or unfortunate, don't feel you have to excuse it––point it out if he offends you; it's best he knows now that you won't take nonsense than to discover it later.

  11. 11
    If he hits you or playfully punches you on your arm, this may mean he likes you. A guy may gently hit or punch you on the arm as a covert, "manly" way of getting to touch you without making it too obvious what his intention is. If he finds that you don't pull away too much when he does this, he might find the courage to proceed to more gentle ways of touching you. Of course, this doesn't mean you need to sit there in pain if he actually hurts you––be assertive enough to point out that it hurt! You can salve his pride by saying something about not minding him touching you but to please watch out for your sensitive bony bits! And if you're the kind of girl who finds the play punching a bit of fun, give him a playful knock right back.

    • Play punching can send mixed signals. It could mean "I treat you like one of the boys" and signal friendzone antics only. Check out whether he does this to other girls in your mutual group. Moreover, if he continues to think that play punching you is a fun way to hang out, you might be dealing with someone who is never going to get past this immature display of affection; don't let it go on indefinitely.
    • If you don't like it, say so immediately. You are entitled to ask someone not to harm you, even if the gesture is well intentioned.
  12. 12
    Acknowledge any compliments that come your way. If you do your hair or makeup differently one day, and the guy notices, that's a very good sign that he likes you. Most guys won't notice, or if they do, they won't be bothered to say anything unless they're totally into you. Anything like, "You look nice today," "I like that shirt," or even "Did you do your hair differently today? It looks nice," are all indicators that he could be interested in you.

    • Note: If this guy is a good friend of yours, compliments won't necessarily be indicators of romantic interest. It could just be him being a truly good friend.
    • Not all guys are this straightforward about compliments, so don't be worried if he doesn't compliment you.
  13. 13
    Watch for him noticing 'masculine things' on you. For example, some of your dad's aftershave rubbed off on you when you hugged him. Your crush may say "is that aftershave on you?" Noticing this can indicate that he thinks the scent comes from another guy (and not your dad!), revealing some vulnerability about losing you out to someone else. This could also apply to having, carrying or wearing things that he might think belong to another guy.

  14. 14
    If he chats to you often on a social networking site, it may mean that he likes you. After all, when online there are many things competing for his time, like games, connecting with mates and checking out sites that might not be so interesting to you… Of course, he could also just be talkative, friendly, or even bored, so don't assume he's into you just for chatting––this should be treated as one extra indicator along with some of the others outlined above.

    • If he puts an 'x' sign on the end of everything he says to you, don't assume it means he likes you. It could just mean that he perceives you both as good friends or that he's just used to ending his chats that way.
    • If he says, "I know something you don't know," then this could mean that he likes you and is playing a little guessing game. Or it could just mean he's doing the usual social media thing of spreading information for fun, like the discovery of a new planet or finding the cure to cancer, etc. Use the context to judge the import of any such online personal game playing.
  15. 15
    Watch to see if he has suddenly developed a habit of turning up where you happen to be. If he suddenly seems to be in certain places at certain times of the day where you wouldn't necessarily expect to see him, it may be that he's taken to deliberately "finding" opportunities to bump into you. If it happens a lot in a short space of time, it's probably no coincidence but a concerted effort to catch up with you as much as possible.

  16. 16
    Be receptive to his signals. If he shows genuine interest in you, (for example, he smiles at you a lot whenever the two of you pass each other or he goes out of his way to say hello to you), be friendly and polite back. If you've already decided that he's someone you'd like to date, don't let it go too long before facilitating an opportunity for the two of you to get together to talk in a quiet place. On the other hand, if he's not your type or you've changed your mind about flirting any further, be honest and let him know that you're flattered but you're not available.



  • If you like him and you're confident, ask him out. While some of the rule books suggest that this is not a good idea, when all the signs read right and things aren't progressing as fast as you'd expect, don't be shy. He might be so shy that unless you make the first move, it'll never happen!
  • Here are a few more tests to try out to test his interest in you:
    • The Clock Test: To see if a guy has been checking you out, abruptly look at the clock, then look at him really fast. If he followed your eyes to the clock, he was staring at you and was startled by your sudden movement that following your eyes is a reflex to them.
    • The Pencil Test: If you have a pencil, "accidentally" break it. If you ask him to sharpen it for you, and he says "Yes", he could be into you. If he says "No", no hard feelings, he could be shy. If he gives you a Mont Blanc pen in its place, he's almost ready to marry you.
  • If his ex seems to hate you, the reason may be because he's expressed an interest in you that she's caught wind of.
  • Notice how he acts around you compared to the way he acts around his friends. Do you see any differences?
  • Does he talk about you to his friends? If you feel confident to ask his friends if he talks about you, it might indicate interest. When asking his friends, try not to make it obvious that you're interested that way they won't suspect anything. Be very careful though; many times they'll report back to him that you were sniffing around and it's not the most seemly way to find out another person's interest.


  • There is a difference between fast glances to check each other out and staring. Don't fall into the latter category––you'll scare him off. Equally, he might be seeming to look at you a lot just because you're checking him out a lot and he doesn't really have a chance to look elsewhere! Be patient and observe carefully.
  • Take care not to misread his signals just because you want to be with him so much. For example, affectionate teasing might occur just because it's his way of dealing with females in general. He may not even realize that he's making you swoon every time he pokes good-natured fun at you!
  • Watch out for the subtle guys. If he asks you something that could potentially be a date but you're not really sure, make sure it's clear before you agree to it. It can be uncomfortable when one of you thinks you're on a date and one of you thinks you're not.
  • If you're just going to a "notch on his belt" and used for "bragging rights", he's the wrong kind of guy. If you feel pressured to do things that you don't want to, don't give in and reconsider whether it's worth pursuing the relationship any further.
  • Avoid asking your friends to ask him if he likes you. It's embarrassing to both parties and it often makes it so awkward that he'll just drop pursuing you.
  • If he seems more obsessed with your chest than your face, he may not like you for you. He could just be looking for a "good" time.
  • Know the signs of a guy who is not interested: He has crossed his arms or legs defensively, moves from foot to foot when standing, breaks eye contact each time you try to maintain it, steps away from you when you try to get closer, rubs the bridge of his nose (this is body language for a negative decision about you), clasps his hands behind his back (you're possibly frustrating him) or draws back if you touch him. If he rubs/scratches his nose or covers his mouth when talking to you, it might mean that he's lying. Negative facial expressions, such as yawning, looking around the room or looking bored, should also warn you off thinking he likes you.