More common than you may think, an ignition key that won't turn can be both frustrating and time consuming. There are several possible reasons as to why an ignition key won't turn and some of them may be quite dependent on the model of your car or the particular situation you've found yourself in. However, it is possible to give an overview of some simple approaches to the most common causes that other people have taken when the ignition key won't turn, which are worth trying before dialing up roadside assistance.
Note that the order of situations and possible remedies provided here is from most to least likely.
- 1Before trying anything, check that your parking brake is on. You don't want to roll away while you're overly focused on getting the key to turn!
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- 3If you have an automatic transmission, check and make sure the selector is in park. Some cars will prevent you turning the key if the selector is in any position other than park or neutral; it can be easy to overlook this when tired or in a hurry.
- 4Clean and lubricate the lock cylinder. Spray a liberal amount of electrical contact cleaner to flush away dirt and grime, followed by a quick spray of silicone or a drop or two of liquid graphite to lubricate. Be careful not to allow it to drip on upholstery or carpet. Keep the car open to prevent accumulation of fumes, and avoid sparks and open flames. Once you've added enough lubricant, try again.
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- 6Check the key itself. Place the key on a very flat, solid surface, and observe if it lays flat or is arched up from the surface either at the ends or in the middle. If it looks crooked, take a block of wood, or some similar hard object which to strike the key and bend it back to a flat shape. Do not use a hammer or other steel or hard metal object, as the key is made of fairly soft metal such as brass, and the grooves may be damaged when it is struck.
- You may be tempted to force the key––as in gripping it with a pair of pliers––but the metal of the key is soft and breaking or twisting the key will not solve the problem.
- On several Ford vehicles, you might need to turn the steering wheel in one direction or the other while turning the ignition key. This is because of a weird column locking mechanism that prevents the key from being turned if its locked.
- Never use oil or grease on lock cylinders. Oils attracts dirt and dust, and will prevent the tumblers from moving as needed to unlock. Use only dry lubricants such as silicone, graphite or other products specifically designed for lubricating locks.
- Never clean lock cylinders with products that leave a film or residue. Films and residue are usually oils and will attract dirt. Electrical contact cleaning products work well on lock cylinders and leave no film or residue.
Things You'll Need
- Electronic cleaner (quick drying formula)
- Graphite lube (dry powder - extra fine)
- Paper towel or rag for clean-up
- Tack hammer (if applicable)
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