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Saturday, June 30, 2012

How to Preserve Food With Ball Canning Jars

How to Preserve Food With Ball Canning Jars
Ball canning jars consist of glass jars topped by a lid held to the jar with a screw-on ring. These jars store food at room temperature to preserve the food inside. According to the National Center for Home Food Preservation, proper canning vacuum seals the foods in the jars, keeping air and bacteria out of the food.
Skill level:


Things you need

  • Deep saucepan
  • Ball canning jars
  • Ball canning jar screw rings
  • Canning funnel
  • Ladle
  • Jar tongs
  • Towel
  • High acid foods, prepared according to canning recipe
  • New Ball canning jar lids
  • Boiling water canner
  • Boiling water canner rack
  1. 1
    Wash canning jars, screw rings, canning funnel and ladle in hot, soapy water and dry with a clean towel.
  2. 2
    Place the canning jars and screw rings into a deep saucepan; fill with water to completely cover the jars and lid rings.
  3. 3
    Heat the water with the jars and lid rings over medium high heat until ready to fill.
  4. 4
    Prepare the food for canning according to your recipe.
  5. 5
    Insert the hot water canner rack in the bottom of the canner.
  6. 6
    Fill the hot water canner halfway with water and heat to a simmer over medium low heat. Look for the surface of the water to appear to slightly move, with a few bubbles coming to the top to indicate a simmering liquid.
  7. 7
    Remove the jars and lids from the canner with the jar tongs and pour any water from the jars.
  8. 8
    Insert a funnel into the top of a jar and ladle the prepared food into the jar up to ½ inch below the top of the jar. Repeat, filling all of the jars.
  9. 9
    Wipe clean the edges of the jars and set a new Ball canning jar lid on top of each jar. Screw a lid ring over the lid to keep the lid in place.
  10. 10
    Holding each jar with the jar tongs, lower it onto the rack in the hot water canner until the rack has filled.
  11. 11
    Add water to the canner to cover the jars with 2 inches of water and place the lid on the canner.
  12. 12
    Increase the heat to high so the water in the canner begins to boil.
  13. 13
    Begin timing the processing time based on your recipe from the time the water begins to boil and bubble vigorously.
  14. 14
    Turn off the heat at the end of the processing time, take off the canner lid and let the jars sit in the hot water for five minutes.
  15. 15
    Lift out the jars with the jar tongs and transfer them to a soft towel on a counter. Let them sit at room temperature for 24 hours. Leave the screw rings on the lids of the jars and do not tighten or loosen them during this time.
  16. 16
    Remove the screw-on lid rings and press the center of the lid to test the seal. Store the jars, with the lid rings screwed back on, in the refrigerator if the center of the lid pops back up after being pushed, indicating that the jars did not seal correctly. Replace the lid rings and place the jars in the pantry if the lid does not pop back, indicating a proper seal. Consult your recipe for storage times for your food.

Tips and warnings

  • Use a hot water canner for high acid foods such as fruits, but opt for a pressure canner to preserve low acid foods such as vegetables and meats. Refer to the directions included with your pressure canner as newer models have different directions from older types of pressure canners.


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