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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

9 meals fit for the caveman in your life

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Considering Homo sapiens spent many thousands of years being hunter gatherers, and only the last 10,000 years being farmers, the diet of the caveman has changed only relatively recently. Some studies, such as those performed by Dr. Loren Cordain, the creator of the Paleo Diet, suggest that a mismatch between the digestive system and modern food types can cause problems such as obesity and some chronic illness. Those following the diet, also often referred to as the caveman diet, can eat lots of natural food, but have to think about meal ingredients as common foodstuffs like wheat are not included in the diet.
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Grass-fed steak and salad

Paleo Diet-associated research indicates that beef from cattle that eat grass has a different nutritional profile to beef from cows that have been fed commercial feedstock like grain. A big slab of beef, cooked according to preference, along with a mixed salad of leaves, tomatoes and cucumbers, provides lots of protein, along with essential fats and iron.
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Grilled swordfish and asparagus

The array of fish available in the fishmongers or the supermarket fish counter means that those cavemen aficionados who like fish have a variety of meals at their fingertips. Grilled swordfish steaks with a side of lightly boiled asparagus provide a meaty fish dish.
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Omelette with strawberry salsa

Protein breakfasts are a common feature of cavemen diet menus, as common breakfast foods like cereals or toast are not recommended. A simple breakfast of an omelette, along with additional tasty nutrients from a strawberry salsa, fits within the diet guidelines and provides one helping of fruit for the day.
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Liver and spinach

Organ meats are uncommonly used in the normal Western diet, but they can contain lots of nutrients and be quite tasty if prepared in the right way. The strong flavour of liver can be an acquired taste, but accompanying it with another strong taste such as spinach can be both filling and nutritious.
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Mussels in white wine

Seafood lovers can dive into a big pile of mussels, or other shellfish, on the Paleo diet, as these foods were commonly eaten by cavemen who lived on the coast. Although wine is a relatively modern invention, a glass or two is included in the diet plan, which can be used to make a white wine sauce for the mussels.
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Roast beef and vegetables

If the erstwhile caveman is craving a big Sunday lunch, he can eat most of it while still eating according to the plan. A big juicy roast piece of beef, accompanied by root vegetables roasted in the oven, can edge out the taste of a potato-heavy, gravy-laden traditional roast.
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Lamb curry

Chillies are not strictly included in the original Paleo diet, but they can fit into some less stringent definitions of the caveman diet. Curries like lamb curry, therefore, can make a nice meal for a prospective caveman, if it contains lots of organic lamb and does not come with a starchy carbohydrate such as rice or chapati. Ideas for suitable replacements include sliced tomatoes or steamed sugarsnap peas.
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Rabbit in bacon with pureed root vegetables

Game meats like rabbit tend to be much more lean than farm-reared animals, which fits in nicely into the caveman diet. Wrapping a few portions in bacon can add flavour, and accompanying pureed vegetables such as parsnip or swede provide a replacement for mashed potato.
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Poached pears

Modern desserts tend to contain non-caveman ingredients like flour or cream, so it can be hard to find a suitable sweet alternative. Poached pears are one idea, and they can be flavoured with honey dissolved in water, or a little bit of red wine.


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