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Friday, December 28, 2012

Review: Workout Mommy

There are many blogs and Web sites online that are devoted to exercising and health, and many of them indicate that it can take up to an hour each day to exercise. For many mothers, it is hard to find time to exercise when taking care of a child.
This week’s review is a blog called Workout Mommy that is about exercising, and is especially geared towards mothers. The information provided can be used by anyone having trouble finding time to exercise.
Review: Workout Mommy
Web Site: Workout Mommy
Description: A blog about health and fitness for moms

Design Review: Workout Mommy

The design of Workout Mommy consists of two navigation sidebars on either side of the page and the content in the center. There is a large header at the top of the page with a tag line *Be Fit. Be Healthy. Be Happy) and title of the blog (It’s Time To: Workout Mommy).
The weakest part of the whole design of Workout Mommy is the layout of the navigational bars. I liked how the author has included many navigation links such as categories, recent posts, and recent comments, but the problem is that they are buried beneath advertising. Much of the space in the navigational sidebars are filled with advertising, which I don’t mind personally, but unfortunately the sidebars need to be reorganized.
The left sidebar could be used for navigation by moving the search to the top, followed by the categories, archives, recent posts, and then recent comments. The right sidebar can contain the RSS subscription, and then the advertising.
The menu at the top of the page is nice as it provides such information such as the home button, contact information, links and the about links. This will help reduce the clutter in the two sidebars.
The content section contains the last ten posts by the author, so you can easily get a lot of information simply by visiting the home page. This is nice to have since I found my self reading many of the posts because they were there.
When reading some of the posts, there appears to be some font size issues. At times the first part of a sentence is sized normally and then becomes larger at the end of the sentence. A close look and tweaking of the HTML will correct his problem. For the related posts links the font is much too small and hard to read. Increasing the size of the links will make it much easier to read.
By cleaning up the two sidebars it would make visiting Workout Mommy much easier to navigate and won’t look as crowded with advertising. Correcting some of the font sizes in the posts will increase the readability of the posts.

Focus Review: Workout Mommy

The focus of the blog is well presented to any visitor that visits the site. You can immediately determine the focus simply by reading through the author’s posts. There are many health tips and information provided at Workout Mommy.
The only part the feel is a little weak on the focus is the fact that there weren’t as many workout tips as I would think from the title, but the author has chosen to go even further than just talking about workouts, she has also gone on to talking about health. These two, obviously, go hand-in-hand.
The author has definitely kept the blog focused on working out, and health for mothers.

Content Review: Workout Mommy

I found the posts to be well written and not too long. For many visitors, reading short and to the point posts are a lot easier than reading long-winded posts. The author has provided many appropriate images for the posts to help describe each topic.
The content provides not only information about exercising, but also about health. The author takes the time to research information and provides some quotations, and cites the sources of her information.
The content is updated on nearly a daily basis as can be seen by the dates of the posts. A good blog is one that is updated on a frequent basis (3 or more posts a week). For some blogs it can be hard to provided enough content on a daily basis, but the author of Workout Mommy does it well.
The content is definitely one of the reasons you should visit Workout Mommy.

Spelling and Grammar Review: Workout Mommy

There are very few spelling and grammar mistakes within the posts, which makes the blog very easy to read. A well written blog is a good indication that the author takes the time to spell and grammar check each post.

Overall Review: Workout Mommy

Workout Mommy is definitely a blog to check out, especially if you would like to exercise and are having trouble finding the time. The blog contains some great content for exercising as well as health information. A little reorganizing of the two navigational sidebars will make this an even better blog.


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