The thought of "sugar withdrawal" may seem like nothing more than an excuse for people with a sweet tooth (or who simply refuse to give up sugar) to indulge in sweets-eating. But nutritionists and scientists are discovering that when the body is accustomed to high levels of sugar consumption, it can respond to sugar deprivation with the same kind withdrawal symptoms experienced by a drug abuser. The symptoms of sugar withdrawal can, in fact, be very painful and debilitating.
If you're conscious of your sugar intake, and are attempting to limit the amount of sugar in your diet, or eliminate it altogether, be aware of the possibility of experiencing sugar withdrawal symptoms. Understanding the symptoms, and preparing to deal with sugar withdrawal, can help you permanently reduce your sugar intake.
- 1Taper off your sugar intake over several weeks. One of the most common problems that many sugar addicts make is attempting to eliminate sugar from their diet all at once. This method often results in failure in just a few days.
- A body that is accustomed to receiving sugar on a daily basis cannot quickly adjust to the elimination of sugar, which has served as an energy source.
- Be aware that if you attempt to quit eating sugar all at once, you'll likely experience profound and severe withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal symptoms may manifest themselves in severe and intense cravings for sugary foods, or they may include more serious conditions such as headaches or nausea.
- By gradually reducing your sugar intake over several weeks, you can greatly reduce the severity of these sorts of sugar withdrawal symptoms.
- A body that is accustomed to receiving sugar on a daily basis cannot quickly adjust to the elimination of sugar, which has served as an energy source.
- 2Trick the body with sugar substitutes. If your body is craving something sweet even after you have gradually reduced the amount of sugar in your diet, you may be able to trick your body by using sugar substitutes in lieu of real sugar, although this is considered effective only as a short-term strategy because ultimately your body needs to get used to simply having less sweet food.
- The mind and the body are linked, and if you can convince your mind that it tastes sweetness, the body may believe that you're ingesting sugar.
- Many sugar substitutes have no calories, and these substitutes can be used to deal with withdrawal symptoms without spoiling a sugar-free diet.
- Opt for natural sugar substitutes such as Stevia and Xylitol rather than artificial sugar substitutes. Do some research into artificial sweeteners before contemplating using them––there is enough concern surrounding many of these chemically derived sweeteners to give you pause for thought.
- The mind and the body are linked, and if you can convince your mind that it tastes sweetness, the body may believe that you're ingesting sugar.
- 3Respond to cravings with physical activity. Instead of standing at the refrigerator or the pantry when a sugar craving hits you, you can respond by participating in some type of physical activity. Exercise releases endorphins in the body, which may help to regulate the mood changes associated with sugar withdrawal symptoms.
- If you're experiencing headaches or nausea because of sugar withdrawal, an exercise routine may help to boost your energy and eliminate your symptoms through increased oxygenation to the body.
- If you're experiencing headaches or nausea because of sugar withdrawal, an exercise routine may help to boost your energy and eliminate your symptoms through increased oxygenation to the body.
- 4Drink lots of water. Sometimes people eat sugary foods when their bodies are actually craving liquid, so often, simply drinking a glass of water can stop a sugar craving. Indeed, individuals who are addicted to high levels of sugar may have difficulty identifying the difference between a sugar craving and thirst. Whenever you experience an intense bout of sugar cravings, try drinking a glass of water to curb the urge.
- 5Rid the house of sugar when you eliminate it completely. If you want to improve your chances of successfully eliminating sugar from your diet, it is important to rid your house of sugary foods and beverages.
- If the food is easily accessible, you will be more likely to give into temptation. However, if you do not keep sugary foods in your home, you will be more likely to find another, healthier way to deal with the sugar urge. See above for approaching others in your household about the issue.
- If the food is easily accessible, you will be more likely to give into temptation. However, if you do not keep sugary foods in your home, you will be more likely to find another, healthier way to deal with the sugar urge. See above for approaching others in your household about the issue.
- 6Keep a food journal. One great way to improve your chances of successfully navigating through sugar withdrawal symptoms is to keep a detailed journal about your daily diet, your hunger and sugar cravings, your sleep habits, your weight and your energy levels. A journal like this will provide you with motivation and clarity regarding the effects that sugar has had on your life and overall health.
- Keep details on what feels good about being sugar-free. The more you focus on the positive aspects of curtailing sugar in your life, the more you will see the benefits.
- Add recipes that are sugar-free to your food journal. Turn it into a place where you feel free to explore new things to eat, variations of your own experimentation and general thoughts on how to share your sugar-free ideas with others.
- Consider writing a blog if you enjoy sharing information and details on your experience. You'll meet others trying to go sugar-free and as well as sharing your tips on coping without sugar, you'll get lots of supporters who can share their experiences too.
- Keep details on what feels good about being sugar-free. The more you focus on the positive aspects of curtailing sugar in your life, the more you will see the benefits.
- Sugar-free juice is a great alternative to a sugary soft drink. Keep sugar-free juice boxes in the refrigerator to serve as a quick grab and go snack when a sugar craving hits.
- Avoid foods with simple carbohydrates that turn quickly into sugars after consumption. These foods may have the same negative health effects that foods with high sugar contents have. Many of these foods are processed, so the more processed foods that you avoid, the better. As Professor Michael Pollan, food author and critic says, if your grandmother wouldn't have recognized it as food and there are more than five ingredients on the package, avoid it.
- Secure support from family and friends. Similar to a drug addict or alcoholic, an individual with a sugar addiction needs the help and support of family and friends. While it may sound silly, including your loved ones in your decision to eliminate sugar from your diet can do wonders in improving your chances of success.
- Ask a family member or friend to attempt a sugar withdrawal diet along with you to improve your chance of success even more.
- Your family and friends can help support and encourage you through the symptoms of sugar withdrawal. They can assist you by removing sugary foods from your house and by refraining from consuming sugary foods in your presence, as well as adjusting their menus when hosting you for meals.
- Research the nature and symptoms of sugar withdrawal. Education and preparation are your two best allies in your attempt to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet. Cutting sugar out of your diet is not likely to be a simple task undertaken just with sheer willpower––you'll quickly discover that sugar cravings are the simplest of the many different sugar withdrawal symptoms, which can include headaches, lethargy, emotional distress, anger and even nausea can all be symptoms of sugar withdrawal. These symptoms are not easy to ignore and cannot be eliminated through willpower alone. By understanding the symptoms and preparing to deal with them, you can improve your chances of successfully reducing sugar intake.
- Individuals with diabetes may have difficulty regulating their blood sugar. These individuals may cause serious damage to their overall health by eliminating sugar from their diet completely. It is important to consult a physician before beginning any new diet regimen.
- Be aware that while people close to you may want to support your choice, this doesn't mean they'll decrease their own sugar intake. It's hard to be surrounded by sugary treats when you can no longer have them. Ask family members to be considerate of your choice, to keep these items out of your sight and to not ask you to share any of it. If a family member loves to bake cookies and cakes, ask him or her to look for sugar-free versions––a new challenge may be all it takes to excite this person's baking endeavors in a way that actually helps you!
- As with any dietary change, advise your doctor of your intentions first.
- If you are eliminating sugar from your diet because a spouse or parent forced you into it rather than on your own decision, look at your relationship. Question how many habit changes are being forced on you, it's not healthy to be in a controlling relationship.
- If you are eliminating it only to support a spouse or family member who's doing so, you don't need to do this entirely. Just don't consume sugar foods at home or keep them in reach of the person who's quitting. Look for healthy sources of sugar and keep them in places like work that they're not around.
EditThings You'll Need
- Safe sugar-free sweeteners
- Naturally sweet foods in small amounts
- A sugar clean-out in your house
- Recipes for sugar-free food
- Food journal and marker (or make a digital one)
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