How secure is your wireless network? Is it tough enough to handle a hacker attack, or is it wide-open with no encryption or password, allowing anyone and everyone to get a free ride while you pay the bill? Let's look at some steps you can take to lock down your wireless network.
Monday, December 31, 2012
5 Tips for Securing Your Wireless Network
Trung Tâm MMO
Computers and Electronics
How to Disable Facebook Places Location Tracking
Have you ever bothered to click on the "Places" map on your Facebook timeline? It kind of creeped me out the first time I tried it. It almost felt like Facebook was stalking me.
Trung Tâm MMO
Computers and Electronics
Top 3 Gadgets Set To Be Big In 2013
If you’re a gadget fanatic, then chances are you’ll already be wanting 2012 to be quickly over and done with. Why? Well, because, a brand new year means brand new gadgets!
But, with tons of speculation of what’s going to be released and when, you just can’t wait until the real things actually get released.
So, if you’re itching to find out more about, then here’s a summary of some exciting and new technologies and gadgets, that are set to be huge for 2013:
Trung Tâm MMO
Computers and Electronics
Your EZ Guide for Returning Online Purchases
Christmas is a time for reflection and giving, but it’s also about getting! Sometimes, unfortunately, you just don’t get what you want. Whether it’s because you were on the naughty list, a new BMW was out of your boyfriends price range, or it’s a duplicate gift, chances are a lot of you will be returning gifts come January 1st. Whether you bought it or got it, here are a few tips on successfully returning products purchased on the Web.
Trung Tâm MMO
Computers and Electronics