Sunday, December 23, 2012
How to back up your Instagram photos and delete your account
Not a fan of Instagram potentially selling your photos or using them for advertising purposes? Here are your options.
Trung Tâm MMO
Smart Phones and Tablets
Six features you don't want to miss in Android 4.2
Android 4.2 Jelly Bean has been out for a few weeks now and we've rounded up six features you won't want to miss in the latest Android operating system.
Trung Tâm MMO
Smart Phones and Tablets
How to set a monthly iTunes allowance for your kids
Getting your kids an iOS device this holiday season? You'll be interested to know you can set an iTunes allowance for their Apple ID.
Trung Tâm MMO
Computers and Electronics
How to make the most of your charitable donations
Some Web charities let you connect with the people who will benefit directly from your donation, while others allow you to vet a charity before you contribute to ensure your gift is really going to the people who need it.
Trung Tâm MMO
Computers and Electronics
Shoot and share videos with YouTube Capture for iOS
Google's new YouTube Capture app for the iPhone lets you share videos quickly and easily.
Trung Tâm MMO
Smart Phones and Tablets