How to create a link of Read more on Blogger:
Adding Read more in Blogger is easy. You just need to edit some HTML code in your template to add the link. It is recommended that you backup your template first before editing anything in your template. This is to allow you to revive back the template that you have when something went bad.
Edit your blog template
When you're ready to add Read more on Blogger blog, then go to your Layout, Edit HTML and click on the Expand Widget Templates.Find the following code below using ctrl+f button:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Delete the code, replace it with the following code below:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More</a>
Hit the Save button. It is optional to change the "read more" word to any word that you want.
Example: Read the full article, etc.
Add this code before publishing a blog post
After you have added the code, you can now edit your post to use the read more link. You need to add a code whenever you're done writing and ready to publish.You're going to add <span class="fullpost">, after the paragraph that you want to appear in the homepage and </span> at the end of the post that will be hidden.
Analyze the example below:
This is the paragraph that will appear in the homepage of your blog. Maybe you can write a summary of the post or what is the post all about.
<span class="fullpost">
This is the continuation of the blog post till the end. This part is hidden and will not appear in the homepage of your blog.
That's it! That's the way on how to add a link of Read more on Blogger. Subscribe for more updates.
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